Automatische Wiedergabe
Automatische Vervollständigung
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Superbrain! Memory training with Boris Konrad
Introduction - Please read first
Please Read (updated)
Lets begin! (6:36)
What is memory?
Where in the brain is the memory? (14:06)
Different types and tImescales of memory (17:17)
Simple Memory Techniques
Thinking in Images (10:16)
Story method (16:52)
Keyword Mnemonic (18:01)
Method of Loci - The Memory Palace
What is the method of loci (6:33)
Body List (18:55)
First Memory Palace (12:50)
How to build more memory palaces (20:42)
How to remember numbers, facts and figures
Simple system for digits (7:52)
Major System / Phonetic Mnemonic (18:07)
How to make 100 Images (8:37)
How to use these systems in real life
Advanced: PO, PAO and co. (11:33)
How to remember names and faces
The Five Star Method - Five steps to remember any name (16:18)
How to remember last names (16:22)
How to remember difficult and foreign names
How to remember many names at once (8:55)
How to learn for long term
Why testing is important (9:37)
What does spaced retrieval mean? (9:26)
Great tools for review - Anki, Memrise, Quizlet (12:55)
How to use these systems in real life
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